پودمان:SportsRankings/data/FIH Women's World Rankings
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توضیحات این پودمان میتواند در پودمان:SportsRankings/data/FIH Women's World Rankings/توضیحات قرار گیرد.
local data = {}
-- information about other templates used by module
data.templates = { flagged_team_link = "fhw" }
-- general information about ranking and website being cited
data.source = {
url = "http://fih.ch/rankings/outdoor/",
title = "FIH Men's and Women's World Ranking",
website = "FIH"
-- date of latest update and previous one for movement
data.updated = {day = 1, month = 'March', year =2020 }
data.previous = {day = 3, month = 'February', year =2020 }
-- see "Generating code" section on doc page for how to update the rankings
data.rankings = {
{ "Netherlands", 1, 0, 2626.03},
{ "Australia", 2, 0, 2111.21},
{ "Argentina", 3, 0, 2076.29},
{ "Germany", 4, 0, 2006.68},
{ "England", 5, 0, 1911.24},
{ "New Zealand", 6, 0, 1818.98},
{ "Spain", 7, 0, 1802.13},
{ "Ireland", 8, 0, 1583.09},
{ "India", 9, 0, 1543.00},
{ "China", 10, 0, 1521.00},
{ "Belgium", 11, 0, 1507.77},
{ "South Korea", 12, 0, 1480.00},
{ "Japan", 13, 0, 1286.69},
{ "Canada", 14, 1, 1263.00},
{ "United States", 15, -1, 1215.00},
{ "South Africa", 16, 0, 1066.23},
{ "Italy", 17, 0, 1004.00},
{ "Chile", 18, 0, 866.10},
{ "Russia", 19, 0, 846.00},
{ "Malaysia", 20, 0, 808.00},
{ "Belarus", 21, 0, 775.00},
{ "Scotland", 22, 0, 745.42},
{ "Czech Republic", 23, 0, 728.00},
{ "Poland", 24, 0, 655.00},
{ "Uruguay", 25, 0, 583.00},
{ "Wales", 26, 0, 581.29},
{ "Ukraine", 27, 0, 493.00},
{ "France", 28, 0, 446.13},
{ "Thailand", 29, 0, 435.00},
{ "Mexico", 30, 0, 424.00},
{ "Austria", 31, 0, 383.00},
{ "Turkey", 32, 0, 350.00},
{ "Ghana", 33, 0, 346.00},
{ "Lithuania", 34, 0, 309.00},
{ "Peru", 35, 0, 297.00},
{ "Indonesia", 36, 0, 289.00},
{ "Brazil", 37, 0, 288.00},
{ "Singapore", 38, 0, 279.81},
{ "Switzerland", 39, 0, 265.00},
{ "Namibia", 40, 0, 252.00},
{ "Kazakhstan", 41, 0, 251.00},
{ "Chinese Taipei", 42, 0, 250.00},
{ "Croatia", 43, 0, 240.00},
{ "Barbados", 44, 0, 235.00},
{ "Kenya", 45, 0, 230.00},
{ "Zimbabwe", 46, 0, 228.00},
{ "Hong Kong", 47, 0, 227.00},
{ "Slovenia", 48, 0, 225.00},
{ "Fiji", 49, 0, 223.00},
{ "Slovakia", 50, 0, 210.00},
{ "Trinidad and Tobago", 51, 0, 206.00},
{ "Puerto Rico", 52, 0, 199.00},
{ "Papua New Guinea", 53, 0, 196.00},
{ "Hungary", 54, 0, 195.00},
{ "Solomon Islands", 55, 0, 192.00},
{ "Cuba", 56, 0, 188.00},
{ "Sri Lanka", 57, 0, 181.00},
{ "Nigeria", 58, 0, 180.00},
{ "Tonga", 58, 0, 180.00},
{ "Paraguay", 60, 0, 175.00},
{ "Dominican Republic", 60, 0, 175.00},
{ "Pakistan", 62, 0, 172.00},
{ "Egypt", 63, 0, 170.00},
{ "Cambodia", 64, 0, 165.00},
{ "Jamaica", 65, 0, 163.00},
{ "Uzbekistan", 66, 0, 160.00},
{ "Guatemala", 67, 0, 157.00},
{ "Guyana", 68, 0, 156.00},
{ "Panama", 69, 0, 151.00},
{ "Bolivia", 70, 0, 142.00},
{ "Samoa", 71, 0, 134.00},
{ "Vanuatu", 72, 0, 130.00},
{ "Zambia", 73, 0, 125.00},
{ "Bermuda", 74, 0, 120.00},
{ "Brunei", 75, 0, 95.19},
-- list of country codes
data.alias = {
{ "AFG", "Afghanistan" },
{ "ALG", "Algeria" },
{ "ARG", "Argentina" },
{ "ARM", "Armenia" },
{ "AUS", "Australia" },
{ "AUT", "Austria" },
{ "AZE", "Azerbaijan" },
{ "BAH", "Bahamas" },
{ "BAN", "Bangladesh" },
{ "BAR", "Barbados" },
{ "BDI", "Burundi" },
{ "BEL", "Belgium" },
{ "BER", "Bermuda" },
{ "BLR", "Belarus" },
{ "BOL", "Bolivia" },
{ "BOT", "Botswana" },
{ "BRA", "Brazil" },
{ "BRU", "Brunei" },
{ "BUL", "Bulgaria" },
{ "BUR", "Burkina Faso" },
{ "CAM", "Cambodia" },
{ "CAN", "Canada" },
{ "CAY", "Cayman Islands" },
{ "CHI", "Chile" },
{ "CHN", "China" },
{ "CMR", "Cameroon" },
{ "COL", "Colombia" },
{ "CRC", "Costa Rica" },
{ "CRO", "Croatia" },
{ "CUB", "Cuba" },
{ "CYP", "Cyprus" },
{ "CZE", "Czech Republic" },
{ "DEN", "Denmark" },
{ "DOM", "Dominican Republic" },
{ "ECU", "Ecuador" },
{ "EGY", "Egypt" },
{ "ESA", "El Salvador" },
{ "ENG", "England" },
{ "ESP", "Spain" },
{ "EST", "Estonia"},
{ "FIJ", "Fiji" },
{ "FIN", "Finland" },
{ "FRA", "France" },
{ "GEO", "Georgia" },
{ "GER", "Germany" },
{ "GHA", "Ghana" },
{ "GIB", "Gibraltar" },
{ "GRE", "Greece" },
{ "GUA", "Guatemala" },
{ "GUY", "Guyana" },
{ "HAI", "Haiti" },
{ "HKG", "Hong Kong" },
{ "HON", "Honduras" },
{ "HUN", "Hungary" },
{ "INA", "Indonesia" },
{ "IND", "India" },
{ "IRE", "Ireland" },
{ "IRI", "Iran" },
{ "ISR", "Israel" },
{ "ITA", "Italy" },
{ "JAM", "Jamaica" },
{ "JPN", "Japan" },
{ "KAZ", "Kazakhstan" },
{ "KEN", "Kenya" },
{ "KOR", "South Korea" },
{ "LBA", "Libya" },
{ "LTU", "Lithuania" },
{ "LUX", "Luxembourg" },
{ "MAC", "Macau" },
{ "MAR", "Morocco" },
{ "MAS", "Malaysia" },
{ "MAW", "Malawi" },
{ "MDA", "Moldova" },
{ "MEX", "Mexico" },
{ "MGL", "Mongolia" },
{ "MKD", "North Macedonia" },
{ "MLT", "Malta" },
{ "MRI", "Mauritius" },
{ "MYA", "Myanmar" },
{ "NAM", "Namibia" },
{ "NCA", "Nicaragua" },
{ "NED", "Netherlands" },
{ "NEP", "Nepal" },
{ "NGR", "Nigeria" },
{ "NOR", "Norway" },
{ "NZL", "New Zealand" },
{ "OMA", "Oman" },
{ "PAK", "Pakistan" },
{ "PAN", "Panama" },
{ "PAR", "Paraguay" },
{ "PER", "Peru" },
{ "PHI", "Philippines" },
{ "PNG", "Papua New Guinea" },
{ "POL", "Poland" },
{ "POR", "Portugal" },
{ "PRK", "North Korea" },
{ "PUR", "Puerto Rico" },
{ "QAT", "Qatar" },
{ "ROU", "Romania" },
{ "RSA", "South Africa" },
{ "RUS", "Russia" },
{ "SAM", "Samoa" },
{ "SCO", "Scotland" },
{ "SEY", "Seychelles" },
{ "SGP", "Singapore" },
{ "SLE", "Sierra Leone" },
{ "SLO", "Slovenia" },
{ "SOL", "Solomon Islands" },
{ "SRB", "Serbia" },
{ "SRI", "Sri Lanka" },
{ "SUD", "Sudan" },
{ "SUI", "Switzerland" },
{ "SVK", "Slovakia" },
{ "SWE", "Sweden" },
{ "TAN", "Tanzania" },
{ "TGA", "Tonga" },
{ "THA", "Thailand" },
{ "TJK", "Tajikistan" },
{ "TKM", "Turkmenistan" },
{ "TOG", "Togo" },
{ "TPE", "Chinese Taipei" },
{ "TTO", "Trinidad and Tobago" },
{ "TUR", "Turkey" },
{ "UAE", "United Arab Emirates" },
{ "UGA", "Uganda" },
{ "UKR", "Ukraine" },
{ "URU", "Uruguay" },
{ "USA", "United States" },
{ "UZB", "Uzbekistan" },
{ "VAN", "Vanuatu" },
{ "VEN", "Venezuela" },
{ "VIE", "Vietnam" },
{ "WAL", "Wales" },
{ "ZAM", "Zambia" },
{ "ZIM", "Zimbabwe" },
data.confederation = {
AfHF = {"ALG","BDI","BOT","BUR","CMR","EGY","GHA","KEN","LBA","MAW","MRI","MAR","NAM","NGR","RSA","SEY","SLE","SUD","TAN","TOG","UGA","ZAM","ZIM"
AHF = {"AFG","BAN","BRU","CAM","CHN","HKG","INA","IND","IRI","JPN","KAZ","KOR",
EHF = {"ARM","AUT","AZE","BEL","BLR","BUL","CRO","CYP","CZE","DEN","ENG",
OHF = {"AUS","FIJ","NZL","PNG","SAM","SOL","TGA","VAN"
PAHF = {"ARG","BAH","BER","BOL","BRA","BAR","CAN","CAY","CHI","COL","CRC","CUB","DOM","ESA","ECU","GUA",
return data